2024 Silent Auction
We will once again have silent auction for the 2024 IRI!. Teams and Individuals are encouraged to bring special, cool and unique items to donate. All proceeds go the a designated charity (announced at the event).

2023 Silent Auction

We will once again have silent auction for the 2023 IRI. Details will be available soon.

2018 Silent Auction

One of the great things about IRI is that we can raise some funds for local charities. One way we do this is by hosting a silent auction. The auction is always a HUGE success.

Teams are encouraged to bring special FIRST or TEAM related items to donate to the auction. Every item sells, and every dollar is donated!

2017 Results

2016 Results

$3750 for Riley Hospital, Bridges Outreach in Kokomo, and The Cupboard Food Pantry in Lawrence Township.

2015 Results

$3700 for Riley Hospital, The Community Foundation of Howard County, and The Cupboard of Lawrence Township.

121 backpacks were collected

2014 Results

Several teams and individuals donated special items for the auction. The four highest sought after items (based on bidding) were the 2014 IRI quilt (made by Katie), Simbotics Spare Roller Claw (donated by 1114) and the guaranteed entries to the 2015 IRI (one at the event, one through an on-line auction).

This year, the total raised was over $6500, and the “IRI” rounded this up to a total of $7000. This will be shared with Riley Children’s Hospital through the Purdue Dance Marathon and CASA of Howard County.

In addition, teams donated over 150 backpacks for local elementary school children.

Thank you everyone for the support of the great causes.